Now through December 1, 2020 Barefoot Sound is pleased to offer 10% OFF the following monitors to U.S. customers. Contact your U.S. dealer for details.
3-Way Active Monitor w/ MEME™ Voice Emulation SAVE $625 USD
3.5-Way Active Monitor w/ MEME™ Voice Emulation & Dual-Force™ Technology SAVE $1100 USD
4-Way Active Monitor w/ MEME™ Technology Voice Emulation & Dual-Force™ Technology SAVE $1300 USD
4-Way Active Monitor w/ MEME™ Technology Voice Emulation & Dual-Force™ Technology SAVE $2299 USD
* Sale excludes the Footprint02, Footprint01, MicroSub45, MasterStack12.
* All pricing excludes local sales tax and does not directly reflect financing offers.
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